24V power supply

The power supply is designed to power IRBIS series devices as well as supporting appliances, such as: lighting lamps, thermal shooting targets, etc.

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Opis produktu

The applied technology based on a voltage converter (switched-mode power supply) ensures low weight and small dimensions that facilitate the movement of the device during maintenance activities.

In addition, the power supply provides: high efficiency and resistance to mains interference, as well as short power failures. The device is equipped with an internal short-circuit protection, eliminating the need of fuse replacement.

The metal connector used ensures quick and easy operation.


IRBIS Systems

Debica, 39-200, Swietoslawa 272
Biskupińska 21, 30-732 Krakow

Telephone: +48 607 230 019

Mon. - Fri: 06:00 AM - 03:00 PM